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Monday, December 06, 2004

Isnin yang tak produktif langsung

I am teaching myself to love watching tv again. Haha.Bangang tak? Back in the school days, I used to love television. TV is my first love. TV programmes are my niche.But somewhere along the way when I started life in MMU, without the idiot box, I started to feel indifferent towards tv. Well ok, there's a few occasions like Yo Soy Betty La Fea where I cannot miss a single episodes and that caused me to miss the whole semester of Economy class which I luckily passed. Tapi selepas itu? Oh losernya aku ni! People around me said "tengokla CSI..macam rasa pandai tengok CSI tu..", but I have never watched s single full episode of that show. My sisters are a big fan of 8tv's One Tree Hill and Queer Eye for The Straight Guy..tapi aku tak pernah tengok rancangan tu semua! I still remember Mr K, my Advertising lecturer asking us to watch every single ads in TV; a task which is very enlightening and simple if he were to ask me that during my school days. Malangnya, once I enter MMU, a part of my brain which is reserved for TV has slowly diminished. Weird. Everybody is becoming tv addicts and here I am, suffering from lack of TV problems. Haha, tapi I've already berjaya didik myself to watch The Amazing Race 6 and I have already successfully watched 3 full episodes! Rasa cemerlangnya!

I have also managed to catch the Malaysia Cup final this weekend. Hahaha.Nasib baik tak pergi stadium, if not mesti aku dah tertidur macam masa tengok Perak lawan Terengganu FA Cup final hari tu. Alfisyar tak habis habis mengutuk gol pasukan Perlis tu. COntoh ayat: " Awak..cuba awak tengok gol Perlis tu..inilah gol terhebat abad ini yang pernah saya tengok. Awak pernah tengok ke dalam Premier League ke, ada orang score gol dengan baling bola dari tepi padang! Hahaha lawaknya Perlis ni ( sambil pukul2 perutnya akibat terlalu geli hati) "
Jadi aku sebagai girlfriend yang suportif pon tolong gelak sama. Lepas tu pagi tadi kawan dia, Duan sms dia pasal si Perlis ni la : " main macam tu ada hati nak berlagak masuk dalam malaysian book of records. mcm cibai". kehkehkeh. Aku mcm rasa kelakar pulak. 83 tahun tu Perlis tu menunggu nak dpt Piala Malaysia. Biarlah dia..Anak aku nanti pun aku nak didik jadi pemain bola yang berjaya. AKu tengok banyak je orang main bola ni dapat. Dapat tanahla, imbuhan la..isk. Patotla pon main mcm tahi pemain Malaysia ni. Banyak sangat disogok benda benda materialistik ni. Kalau main tu hebat sangat takperla. Ini baru berjaya sikit, dah riuh sedunia.Hish.Nak masuk World Cup ke? Jangan haraplah, labu.


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