sweet smell of Roma


Ok, smalam cakap pasal Umrah, hari ni pasal Roma,Italia.
I just got a call from my auntie who just got back from Rome. Oh and how I envy her for that. For most of my adolescent life, I remember that sinister feeling of jealousy every time she stayed in my house. Ironically, we clicked really well together and at times I even consider her as my best friend. She's only 4 years older than me so I always felt that she's my elder sister. She was my mum's youngest sister and education wise, she's ok-lah kot. Well, she failed her SPM the first time she took it and I remember that was the first time I see her so tensed and frustrated with her life. But despite that I guess she was lucky that she was blessed with beauty and kindness, which I always think will take you far in life much much more than education itself, especially if you are a female. For her beauty and kindness I remember vividly how she always got away with any wrong doings.Not that she is penjenayah or anything, but if my auntie and I was caught doing anything wrong by mum, she always let her go away, no fuss, no bebel, but unlucky me always got stuck with the scolding and never ending bebels. Guys fell head over heels with her and she got them wrapped neatly in her fingers. But whatever it is her sopan santun and kecantikan is what people always see. Don't get me wrong. I love her. But I was always amazed at how she was so at ease with everything and everybody and how I envy her for that.
She became a nurse and married a pilot. She drives an Altis and at times you can find her in Australia, Dubai or Europe. While yours truly got stuck in front of the pc, still wondering "what am I doing here?" and trying hard not to get bored too quickly with office works, and still don't know to drive a manual car.
Oh well at least encik burger is taller than her husband.heheh. takpelah walaupun encik burger drive a kelisa that sometimes look like tempat pelupusan sampah sebab malas sangat nak buang sampah sampai nak kena remind berpuluh puluh kali, at least i got to see him everyday, and have him driving me around anywhere I want (ye ke? haha).oh tak boleh bayangkan kalau encik burger pilot.mesti aku tekanan sebab jarang dapat jumpa dan pramugari yang seksi dan menggoda.haha. oleh itu moralnya, bersyukurlah!
but still, best jugak kalau dapat ke roma.mana tau terjumpa alessandro del piero.nyumnyum.haha.
ello intan, ader ati nak jumpa alesandro del pierro...takpe, maner tau honeymoon nnt en burger nak bawak gi saner...;-)
di dalam hatiku memang ada tempat khas untuk del piero.haha..
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