go away go away
These are some symptoms that people have when they're depressed:
1. depressed mood or sadness most of the time (for what may seem like no reason)
2. lack of energy and feeling tired all the time
3. inability to enjoy things that used to bring pleasure
4. withdrawal from friends and family
5. irritability, anger, or anxiety
6. inability to concentrate
7. significant weight loss or gain
8. significant change in sleep patterns (inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, or get up in the morning)
9. feelings of guilt or worthlessness
10.aches and pains (even though nothing is physically wrong)
11.pessimism and indifference (not caring about anything in the present or future)
12.thoughts of death or suicide
if i suffer most of the things that are listed above, will that make me a depressed person? you are indescribably annoying.if i am constantly tormented like this, i have a feeling that i won't live pass 30. at least for now,i think. bluek.
1. depressed mood or sadness most of the time (for what may seem like no reason)
2. lack of energy and feeling tired all the time
3. inability to enjoy things that used to bring pleasure
4. withdrawal from friends and family
5. irritability, anger, or anxiety
6. inability to concentrate
7. significant weight loss or gain
8. significant change in sleep patterns (inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, or get up in the morning)
9. feelings of guilt or worthlessness
10.aches and pains (even though nothing is physically wrong)
11.pessimism and indifference (not caring about anything in the present or future)
12.thoughts of death or suicide
if i suffer most of the things that are listed above, will that make me a depressed person? you are indescribably annoying.if i am constantly tormented like this, i have a feeling that i won't live pass 30. at least for now,i think. bluek.