Amazing Romber

rob and amber: professional media whore?

The Amazing Race is the only show on tv that I have been following for months. The obsession started with Amazing Race 6 and currently the new season of Amazing Race 7 just finished its fifth elimination. Last night's two hour special was filmed in South Africa. I was nearly expecting a Kendra-like comments on African countries(remember her "This country is wretched and disgusting. And they just keep breeding and breeding in this poverty. I just can't take it." comment?)but of course this time the villain has to be Rob and Amber. What do you expect anyway from the winner of Survivor All Stars and her fiancee the obnoxious-on-your-face Rob? Teehehe.Still, i think they are one of the more intelligent team around.But what do you have to lose when you saw people in an accident (the brothers:Brian &Greg) and stop by to ask them whether they are okay.Aha, I even thought that Phil was being disapproved of Rob and Amber selfish behaviour. To think that I used to feel that Rob and Amber is not that bad (mind you, I've never watch them in Survivor).Ray and Deana were eliminated last night but at least they won Toyota Rav4 each.Deana look horrible with the bruises in her eye and Ray look just like a monster with his yelling. Now with Ray & Deana out, Debbie and Bianca are long gone, and Susan & Patrick a history, I wonder who should be the team to hate.Amazing Race 6 used to be full of people who I love to hate (Freddy& Kendra,Hayden&what'shisname,Jonathan&whatshername)but now there's nobody to loathe to. I used to think that Lynn & Alex are irritating what's with their obsession to win over Rob & Amber, but I think they are quite adorable what's with their chubby physique.Should have watch when they run, they look like two bears on a hunt.Heheh.
Oh ya, hari ni hari jadi pau kot. SELAMAT HARI JADI FAUWAZ.Semoga semakin macho dan bergaya.