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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I don't know that kenduri for engagement can be so depressing. Oh, Ropol mesti tahu jugak sebab dia pun akan bertunang sama hari dengan aku. Jadi di sini saya ingin mengucapkan selamat bertunang kepada Ropol dan Joe Kambing. Last nite I slept with all the 4 hantaran that I have done, and that left me with another 5 to go. Encik burger kept saying why am I so lembab in finishing those hantaran but really, I have no idea. Eh, senangla dia cakap since his sister is the one who handles all the hantaran. Yesterday when I got back from work, mak said that nyai has already bought dulang for me. She mentioned abound the dulang being plastic ke apa tah, malas nak tanya.This morning pulak abah said that Aus, Idah and Ina will probably be schooling on Saturday, Sunday and Monday so they might not be able to come to my engangement kenduri. Sedihnya. Part of the reason I decided that the kenduri is best held on school holidays is because it'll be easier for my siblings who are in boarding school to come home, tapi nampaknya disebabkan oleh jerebu dan dia orang kena ganti cuti cuti masa jerebu hari tu, tak jadi balik la kot. Siapalah agaknya bijak sangat membuat keputusan untuk ganti cuti jerebu tu waktu cuti sekolah ni. Geramnya.

And suddenly two days ago one big fat pimple decided to make an appearance on my cheek. Cantiknya mukaku. Tak tau la apa jadi nanti.